Study: American Hospitals May be Overestimating COVID Cases in Children

coronavirus cases in children
by Eric Lendrum


A new study from an elite university reveals that American hospitals may have been severely overcounting the true number of coronavirus cases in children, USA Today reports.

The study, from Stanford University’s School of Medicine, focused on COVID data from the Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford over a nine-month period, from May 10th, 2020, to February 10th, 2021. During this time span, 117 patients admitted to the hospital under the age of 18 were either confirmed to have tested positive for COVID, or were suffering from multisystem inflammatory syndrome, or MIS-C.

Subsequently, of those 117, about 40 percent of confirmed COVID cases were asymptomatic, meaning they were incapable of spreading the virus to anyone else. Overall, roughly 45 percent of those 117 admissions were determined to have been unlikely to be caused by the virus itself.

“It’s in keeping with what other studies have shown,” said Dr. Asim Ahmed, a specialist in pediatric infectious diseases, “which is that children in general are relatively mildly affected by the infection.”

The study, published in the journal Hospital Pediatrics, was co-authored by Dr. Alan Schroeder, a clinical professor of pediatric care and pediatric hospital medicine at Stanford.

“Our goal,” Dr. Schroeder explained, “is to make sure we have accurate data on how sick children are getting. If we rely on hospitals’ positive SARS-COV-2 test results, we are inflating by about twofold the actual risk of hospitalization from the disease in kids.”

The study further showed that only about 28 percent of patients had “mild to moderate” cases of COVID, while only 7.7 percent suffered a “severe illness,” and 12.8 percent had a “critical illness.” An additional 12 percent suffered from MIS-C, which may be connected to the COVID virus.

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Eric Lendrum reports for American Greatness.









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2 Thoughts to “Study: American Hospitals May be Overestimating COVID Cases in Children”

  1. Steve Allen

    Everything about the CHINESE VIRUS is being overstated (over counted) except for where it came from and why it was released.There are so many big players involved; China, Fauci, Bill Gates, big pharma, the donks, the WHO, and the CDC. It’s difficult to not see that it was used (and is being used) to destroy America’s economy, force the populous into socialist submission (masks, distancing, lock downs, shots), and discredit one of the must successful presidents in my lifetime.
    I don’t believe ANYTHING any of the above are telling us. Thousands of people needlessly died due to the stupidity of those in charge (Gov. Cuomo number one on the list). Thousands globally are having adverse reactions including death from vaccines that are unapproved (experimental) yet the lemmings just keep lining up at the cliff.
    I am glad to see Tennessee having one of the lowest vaccination rates. The Left will point out that this is due to ignorance. Of course they would, because they know what’s best for the rest of us. I believe it is due to a healthy dose of skepticism of the government, and rightly so under Mr. Magoo and the donks. The exploitation of the CHINESE VIRUS is the greatest scam ever forced upon the world. This is not to say that people are not tragically dying around the world, but what is pathetic is how so many powerful people in America used the virus to promote their political/financial agendas.

    1. 83ragtop50

      Steve Allen – Well said and true.
